This is my second time brewing a lager. I made a munich helles last year, which came out ok - there was just something off about it. Given the simplicity of the ingredients in these styles, I knew I needed to focus more on my water. I scoured forums and decided that using 50% distilled water for my mash and adding just a little bit of minerals to achieve an estimated 5.4 pH would produce a better beer. Additionally, my parents bought me a stirplate for my birthday, which allowed me to more efficiently propogate the yeast for this batch.
(Filling the Fermenter with as much trub-free wort as possible) |
Durstlöscher - German Pilsner Brewed On: February 18, 2013
Kegged On: 4/6/2013
Style: 2A -German Pilsner
Batch Size: 6 gallons (5 gal into fermenter)
Efficiency: 83%
OG: 1.048
FG: 1.009
IBU: 36 calculated (Rager)
ABV: 5.1%
Yeast: WLP830 German Lager from Starter ~400 billion cells . Fermented at 50°
Grist Mashed at 147 for 60 minutes
97% - Weyermann Pilsner - 9.5 lbs
3% - Acidulated Malt - 4.5 oz
Hop Additions (90 minute boil)
.55 oz - Magnum - 60 min - 30 IBUs
.50 oz - Hallertau - 20 min - 6 IBUs
.50 oz - Hallertau - 0 min
Water Adjustments
Mash - 4 gallons Montgomery County, MD Water consisting of 50% distilled with
3 grams Gypsum
2 grams CaCL
Sparge - Montgomery County, MD Water (treated with campden tablet)
I left this one in the fermenter a little longer than I would have liked due to my keg issues. It could have a little more fresh hop character, but overall it is pretty tasty. Being my second lager, I am greatly pleased with the outcome. Two big differences between this lager and my first. 1) I used liquid yeast this time, and did a double step starter on my stir plate (used dry the first time) 2) I cut my mash water with 50% distilled water. After writing my tasting notes I decided to go to the BJCP guidelines and see how I was doing. Pretty much falls right in line with the guidelines - I just entered this in two competitions, so hopefully my palate is tasting accurately!
this would taste really great with hard shell MD crabs :) Label is a great as the beer!
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